Monday, June 15, 2009

Shore weekend

Our friend J's parents have a house they rent down the shore (that's how you say it here, Down The Shore) in Ocean City, and it was vacant a couple weekends ago, so we were invited to stay.

It was really fun to take Etta to the beach for the first time. It's only about an hour and a half drive, but with traffic it took about 2 hours. It was chilly and rainy when we arrived, so she went right to bed and we stayed up until the wee hours talking. It's the first time I've willingly stayed up past 1 am for a long time!

It was a little chilly all weekend, too cold for me to get in the water. I just sat in a chair with Etta in long pants and sleeves, but Cree and J went in both days. That's them out there:

Instead of putting Etta in the actual ocean, especially since she can't sit up alone and it was all cold, we set up a baby pool for her on the patio and let the sun warm the water up a bit. She cried when she first got in, but then she came around.

Here's the cuteness with a bunch of floaty rings:
Baby pool

Here she's staring the starfish down:
Starfish stare-down

She was really content in there, all splashy and cute.

Here's her full bathing gear, for any of you who haven't already seen this on Facebook:

1 comment:

Jen said...

ah mah gah...the cuteness!

we took d to the beach in rhode island when she was about 10 weeks old. it was also too cold to swim but we did dip her toes in. she was not amused. :)